Are you ready for more love in your life?

When life gives us lemons...

Personally do you ever:

  • Wish for a higher-frequency relationship with your partner, your kids, or yourself

  • Feel blocked, stagnant, or confused on which step to take to shift your health or mental health

  • Experience a roller-coaster of ups and downs, thinking you’ve finally found the solution only to find a few months later you are back to square one

Professional do you ever:

  • Dream of going back to school, but wonder if a 300-Frequency “social worker” position is where it’s at (plus who has six years to get a master’s degree…)

  • Have a small practice or fledgling business, but lack confidence, resources, and know-how for the next level

  • Question the current state of the mental health system, or you are far past questioning, you know it’s insufficient for true transformation and long-term solutions

  • Always imagined of writing a book, but wonder if your story is complete, worth telling, or worth reading

We see you standing there Beautiful Soul!

Now is the time to commit to UP-LEVELING with LOVE.
Please love yourself enough to say YES to getting
off the roller-coaster of life and on to a stable platform
with a clear view, joyful life and peaceful well-being.

Now is the time to Love Solve and Level up
in your life, relationships, business, and more!

The Love Solve Academy is where we raise consciousness,
align with our true selves, and inspire others.

Join us on a journey of self-discovery, inner peace, and love.
Together, let's unlock the secrets to a fulfil life.

Ready to Love Solve & Level Up?


The Love Solve Academy is a beautiful 4 month program
that guides you to your highest potential
as you reconnect with yourself again.

Here’s How it Works:

Phase 1: Reconnects you with your own foundational knowing. We walk you through the Frequency School that identifies what’s keeping you blocked, holding you back, and how you go about shifting it. 

Phase 2: Liberates you on the journey to releasing negative emotions. The powerfully transformative phase creates space for you to work through, identify, and heal the things that have been holding you back in your relationships.  This includes private and group sessions and begins to introduce the proven Zero Point Meridian Technique. You will work with certified coaches in the Love Solve Community. 

Phase 3: One of the most beautiful gifts we can give you is a shift in your energetic frequency! As you move through the Love Solve Academy, our intention is to help you reach a 500 level. Using the Quantum Healing Meditation technique, you will learn how to clear your blocks, and step into a higher level of consciousness quickly and with ease. 

Phase 4: By this time you will be on your way to experiencing a new level of freedom and love like you’ve never experienced before. The Zero Point Meridian Technique is a powerful tool to help you do the work on your own - before you get out of bed, in the office, or on a plane. You will soon find yourself on this practitioner journey to use this technique in your own life or in your business. Either way, when you learn this beautiful tool it will forever be integrated into your health and wellness life journey

Rise as One Together in CommUnity

Join the home of one million meditators dedicated to elevating our
frequency through high-frequency solutions and collective unity.

Improve the world from exactly where you are. Together our intention can raise frequencies in individuals, relationships, communities and the globe. Cristine Hull, Ph.D., author, and quantum practitioner, facilitates a CommUnity mindset where focused intentions make a measurable difference.

She is the author of 4 Bodies: 4 Medicines - a primer on Quantum Healing available for free along with Masterclasses, live trainings, and valuable courses.

Our goal is to support a consciousness shift in the mental health world towards more holistic approaches.

AMillionAtOne hosts several virtual groups throughout the week:

Wednesday Evenings

Included in the Essentials & Practitioner Packages

Through a study of A Course in Miracles and group meditation, we aim to raise our Consciousness together. Whether you ascribe to Christ-Consciousness or a sense of "All" you are likely to find resonant messages and powerful discussions. Membership includes total access to all live, online Miracles and Meditation groups.

Weekly offerings will be added as our membership expands. Bonus content will be added to enhance your experience. Group leaders are volunteers. You will also want to have a copy of A Course in Miracles. There is no set reading requirement and group discussions may vary between the text, workbook, and other components.

This group is ideal for those who are already students of A Course in Miracles and/or who have completed the Love Solve Academy programs and want to continue elevating their frequency to the 600-level and beyond! Join us as we strive to learn, come together, and find truth.

Friday Mornings

Included in the Essentials & Practitioner Packages

This remarkable gathering aims to bring together individuals who are conscious of the everyday challenges that life presents, and who wish to join in prayer with a focus on positive outcomes. Together, we will engage in conscious prayer, keeping our desired end results firmly in mind.

Our purpose in joining forces is to serve the highest good of all. When signing up, you have the option to either share your prayer requests in the questions/comments section or post them in the chat during the session. While it may not be possible to address each specific prayer individually, it's important to know that when we pray for the highest good of all, we also receive the collective benefits.

Our group serves as a sacred space for prayer, where we come together as a united force to effect positive change, identify and create real solutions, and foster a loving and unified energy for healing, abundance, and love to flourish within our communities and globally.

Tuesday Mornings

Included in the Practitioner Package

This group supports conscious leaders through high-frequency focused meetings designed to uplift and provide commUnity. Each meeting includes discussion of various needs of group members in regards to their role as a practitioner, healer, or leader, and ends with group meditation to help align all in attendance with the highest good.

This is a great fit for those who have finished the Love Solve Academy Practitioner track and want further mentoring, to grow their influence, and find their place in the healing world.

Those in this group also receive priority in ARISE Summits, and opportunities to be included in future anthology-style books published by Health, Healing, & Wholeness.

Two Membership Options are Available:

Option 1: The Essentials Package

Join now and receive your ongoing membership for Half Off! $44/month $22/month

  • Live Online Weekly Meetings

    • Miracles & Meditation: Book Study and Discussion of A Course in Miracles

    • Divine Connection: Conscious Prayer Group

  • AMillionAtOne - Online Network and Community

  • Extensive Video Archives of Previous Discussions

  • Stay Updated: Get the latest on upcoming events and trainings.

  • Join the Consciousness Solution: Together, we can create positive change as a united group.

Option 2: The Practitioner/Presenter Package

Join now and receive your discounted ongoing membership! $99/month $77/month

  • Live Online Weekly Meetings

    • Miracles & Meditation: Book Study & Discussion of A Course in Miracles

    • Divine Connection: Conscious Prayer Group


    • Conscious Masterminds: Mentoring for Practitioners, Leaders & Presenters

  • AMillionAtOne - Online Network and Community

  • Extensive Video Archives of Previous Discussions

  • Stay Updated: Get the latest on upcoming events and trainings.

  • Priority in speaking opportunities at ARISE Summits

  • Opportunities to be included in future book publications

  • Join the Consciousness Solution: Together, we can create positive change as a united group.

Early Bird Special

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Meet the Founder - Cristine Price, Ph.D.
Quantum Health Practitioner

Cristine Price has practiced as a mental health and addiction recovery professional for over thirty years. Her traditional training with a Master’s in Psychology plus Doctorate in Natural Medicine have merged into a unique approach to healing.

She is the author of 4 Bodies: 4 Medicines along with other publications. Understanding the multi-layers of the physical, vital, mental and quantum bodies can lead to comprehensive solutions for otherwise challenging conditions.

Cristine has in-depth experience in the fields of substance abuse, child psychology, and mental health treatment.

Cristine’s personal story includes 33 years of sobriety and overcoming a psychiatric condition. Her own challenges have placed her on a path to finding answers that go well outside the traditional box. She has not only benefitted from the treasures she has found, but so have over a thousand clients facing similar struggles. Her private practice has evolved into a school with certification training in holistic mental health.

Cristine is authentic, dynamic, and passionate.

She isn’t afraid to challenge the current systems in an effort to awaken listeners and support evolution.

What Have Others Said About These Programs?


Cherie Burton - Author, Speaker, Wellness Coach, Blue Diamond doTerra leader and former Mrs. Utah

Cristine Price has real expertise in brain chemistry, nutrition, and addiction recovery. She shares her vast knowledge and conveys complex information so that the layperson can understand it. I highly recommend the book! One thing I like about Cristine is her vast knowledge and ability to convey complex information so that the lay person can understand it. I sought her out as a kindred soul on the journey to finding real solutions to mental health. I highly recommend her!


Cheryl Fidelman - Conscious Codependence Coach

The genius of Cristine's work meets at the crossroads of all of the paths to mental health and well being. She is a thought leader and a wealth of knowledge in the physical, mental, spiritual, emotional & quantum realms. She is highly educated, highly researched and massively impassioned with what it takes to be a healing source for humans. I highly recommend Cristine Price, Ph.D. as a healer and an educator. We are lucky to have her in the sphere of healers!

Love Solve Academy launches
Wednesday, July 10, 2024!

Your investment not
only provides you with:

  • A HUGE benefit in multiple life areas

  • An efficient means to up-leveling your life 

  • A way to accomplish in 4 months what could take years to do in separate trainings

  • The Foundation to become a certified Quantum Practitioner

  • Live interactive support multiple times weekly to navigate life challenges

  • High-frequency trainings you won’t find anywhere else

Your investment also provides the resources to make a larger scale difference in the mental health arena, through publications, research and messaging about alternative mental health solutions and comprehensive care.


Receive the full ARISE Summit June 2024 Library and a full access pass to the Masterclass with Cristine


Receive physical copies of all three manuals you’ll be using in your training - valued at $144


Receive a Mood Support Kit to support you to Raise Your Frequency - valued at $100


Deep Emotional Release - Live Training with Tamara Laing worth $400


First group to enroll gets to vote on one additional training with Cristine, valued at $800 each. 
Choose from:

Become a Raise Your Recovery Facilitator - 12 Week Course to
Up-level Sobriety

Ego Structure and Ego Soul-utions - A Quantum Approach to Complex Ego Dynamics

Crown Freedom - Facilitate transformation from crown to root chakra/Nicotine freedom & more


Conscious Business Training! (Valued at $1600) Apply the tools learned during the four-month program to not only up level your personal life, but raise your professional frequency:

  • Utilize emotional release tools to remove conscious and subconscious success blocks

  • Apply Quantum Wholeness Meditation to find efficient, conscious solutions to business conundrums

  • Balance work, service, family and personal time with greater mindfulness and self-awareness

  • Gain clarity and increase personal empowerment through the balance of masculine and feminine systems

  • Expand both your time and efficiency with consciousness tools

Enjoy Early Access to the online Love Solve Community as soon as you join.

Office Hours, special trainings, meditation,
and group coaching details are all inside.

Comparable value for a four-month
semester/personal training = $7000 to $10,000

Our price = $4997

Early Enrollment Before July 10 = $2997 ($2000 savings!!!)

Pricing and Payments

Total Value $4997

Best Value

One Payment Of


Most Flexible

4 Payments

PMTS OF $777

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Here are some answers to our most common questions.

When do we meet?

The virtual community offers a variety of options for you to join in. We will post replays, and ensure you have access to the office hours calendar so you won’t miss anything!

Do you have scholarships available?

We understand that some of those who are interested in this field of personal and professional study may need a scholarship to make this a financial possibility. Through the generous support of funding, donations, and service, we are able to provide two optional scholarships to up to five enrollees each.

$1000 Mission Scholarship - we offer this option to those who feel called to be part of this effort and who will approach this as a personal mission or calling. This is for those who are working from home, retired, or not yet in the professional arena.

$500 Service Scholarship - we offer this option to those who are in professional caregiving and service backgrounds, making modest incomes, who intend to open doors to bring these solutions into the public or private sector.

@ 2024 - Cristine Price | All Rights Reserved